Home / How can I request my WOD to be “verified”?

How can I request my WOD to be “verified”?

Did you design a Memorial, Tribute, Holiday, Hero or other Benchmark workout and want to make it easier for people to discover on WODwell?

As a “Coach” member on WODwell, when you post a new workout it’s assigned the “Coach Creation” category. If you would like us to consider verifying one of your workouts as a “Benchmark,” you can request a review to have it added to one of the following Verified Benchmark WOD categories (click a link to learn more about each):

If you post a WOD that qualifies to be listed in one of the categories above, y please follow the instructions below to request verification.

What happens if my workout gets verified?

If your workout is accepted as a verified benchmark, a few things happen:

1. Your WOD gets a blue checkmark and a custom subtitle indicating the significance of the workout.

Example “verified” badge and subtitle

2. Your WOD gets moved from the “Coach Creations” category to the appropriate “Verified Benchmark WOD” category, so users can discover it more easily. For example, if your workout is a memorial workout, then people who come to WODwell to browse memorial workouts will find your workout in the “Memorial, Tribute & Holiday” WOD category.

Users can use filters to see workouts from any category(ies) they choose.

3. As part of the verification process, we may make some edits to the workout layout, notes, or background story in order to standardize the layout to match other Verified Benchmark WODs. WODwell will not change the workout itself.

Will my workout still appear on my Coach profile?

Yes, your workout will still appear on your Coach profile, and you will be still credited as the creator.

How do I request verification of my WOD?

  • Submit the details of the workout here: wodwell.com/add-wod
  • Important: in the “Source” field, paste the link to your WOD on WODwell (it looks like this: https://wodwell.com/wod/my-wod/)

We will review your workout and reply if we have any questions. If it meets our criteria, we’ll let you know when we add it to our verified benchmark WODs!