Home / FAQ: How to Post a WOD on WODwell

FAQ: How to Post a WOD on WODwell

How can I post a workout on WODwell myself?

If you are a certified coach or trainer, you can sign up for a “Coach Plus” membership.

Coach Plus membership allows you to post your own workouts at any time and request verification for Hero, Memorial, or Tribute WODs to gain additional visibility on our platform.

How can I submit a workout for consideration if I’m not a Coach Plus member?

Whether you’re a coach or not, you can submit a qualifying workout (see criteria below) to be reviewed and potentially posted as a “Verified Benchmark” WOD by submitting your request through our Add a WOD form.

What are the criteria for WODwell to post my WOD?

Before submitting, please ensure the workout meets the following criteria for a “Verified Benchmark:”

– It’s a Hero, Memorial, or Tribute WOD designed by a coach or trainer.
– The workout is widely adopted by the functional fitness community.
– The workout is designed by a notable coach and published elsewhere online as a special workout.

What if my WOD does not meet the criteria?

If you want to post a WOD on WODwell that doesn’t meet our criteria for a “verified benchmark,” the other option (for coaches/trainers only) is to become a Coach Plus member and post the WOD yourself.

If you submit a workout that does not meet our criteria, you will receive an email explaining our decision not to post it.

We encourage reviewing the criteria thoroughly before submission to ensure alignment with our guidelines.

How long does the review process take?

Review Timeline: The review process can vary but typically takes several weeks to months, depending on the volume of submissions and the details involved in the evaluation.

How do I change a workout after it has been posted?

If you posted the WOD yourself (as a Coach Plus member), you can edit your own WOD.

If WODwell posted a WOD for you, you can reply to the email we send you when we confirm the WOD has been posted to request any edits.